Thank God

Is it a poem? I don't know what is this. But I put it in puisi? label. I'm confuse. It's confusing. 
Ah sudahlah, lupakan bahasan di atas. Puisi ini dibuat pada 9 November 2014. Dengan bantuan kamus tentunya.
So, Read and Enjoy The Confusion :)

Thank God 

by Safira Aulia Tamam

I like the chilly of predawn
I like the rediffusion of dawn
I like the prayers and blessings of my parents
I like the birdling of birds
I like the verdant of my bike
I like the clamour of stagnation
I like the suite of bikes in the parking lot
I like the greetings of my friends
I like the lessons of my teachers
I like the rumbustious of my class
I like the sound of return-home bell
I like the azure of sky
I like the light breeze of afternoon
I like the voice of a newscaster in TV
I like the light red of dusk
I like the dark of night sky
I like the bright of moonlight
I like the incision of my pencil
I like the soft of my pillow

Everything Allah gives to me is the best
And I'm grateful to live
It's because of Allah


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